Privacy Policy


FlashFix Ltd. regards your security and is focused on ensuring your own information. This security notice will educate you concerning what we look like after your own information and enlighten you regarding your security rights and how the law ensures you. It applies to data we gather corresponding to:

• Users of our site;

• People who utilize our administrations;

• Employees or delegates of associations who utilize our administrations or flexibly us with products or administrations;

• People who get in touch with us by means of any medium (e.g through our site, by post, email, phone or online networking).

It is significant that you read this notification, along with some other protection notice we may give on explicit events when we are gathering or handling individual data about you, so you know about how and why we are utilizing such data. This security notice supplements different notification and isn’t proposed to supersede them.

Significant Data and What Our identity is

Regulator and contact data

FlashFix Ltd. is the regulator and answerable for your own information (by and large alluded to as “FlashFix”, “we”, “us” or “our” in this protection notice).

In the event that you have any inquiries regarding this protection notice, including any solicitations to practice your legitimate rights, kindly contact the client care utilizing the subtleties set out underneath:

Email address:

Postal location: 362-364 Old Road, EC1V9LT, London.  . 020 3930 1999


You reserve the option to submit a question whenever to the Data Magistrate’s Office (ICO), the   administrative expert for information assurance issues ( ). We would, in any case, welcome the opportunity to manage your interests before you approach the ICO so please get in touch with us in the principal example.

Changes to the security notice and your obligation to illuminate us regarding changes

We maintain whatever authority is needed to refresh this protection notice whenever.

It is significant that the individual information we hold about you is exact and current. It would be ideal if you keep us educated if your own information changes during your relationship with us. 

Third-party links

Our site may incorporate connects to outsider sites, modules and applications. Tapping on those connections or empowering those associations may permit outsiders to gather or offer information about you. We don’t control these outsider sites and are not answerable for their security explanations. At the point when you leave our site, we urge you to peruse the security notice of each site you visit.

The Information We Gather About You

Individual information, or individual data, implies any data about a person from which that individual can be recognized. It does exclude information where the character has been evacuated (unknown information).

We may gather, use, store and move various types of individual information about you which we have assembled follows:

• Identity Information incorporates [first name, last name, and title,].

• Contact Information incorporates [billing address, conveyance address, email address and phone numbers].

• Financial Information incorporates [bank record and installment card details].

• Transaction Information incorporates [details about installments to and from you and different subtleties of items and administrations you have bought from us].

• Technical Information incorporates [internet convention (IP) address, program type and form, time region setting and area, program module types and forms, working framework and stage and other innovation on the gadgets you use to get to this website].

• Profile Information incorporates buys or arranges made by you, your inclinations, inclinations, criticism and study responses].

• Usage Information incorporates [information about how you utilize our site, items and services].

• Marketing and Interchanges Information incorporates [your inclinations in accepting advertising from us and our outsiders and your correspondence preferences].

We additionally gather, use and offer Totaled Information, for example, factual or segment information for any reason. Accumulated Information might be gotten from your own information however isn’t viewed as close to home information in law as this information doesn’t legitimately or in a roundabout way uncover your character. For instance, we may total your Utilization Information to compute the level of clients getting to a particular site include. In any case, on the off chance that we consolidate or associate Accumulated Information with your own information so it can straightforwardly or in a roundabout way distinguish you, we treat the joined information as close to home information which will be utilized as per this security notice.

We don’t gather any Unique Classifications of Individual Information about you (this incorporates insights regarding your race or ethnicity, strict or philosophical convictions, sexual coexistence, sexual direction, political assessments, worker’s organization participation, data about your wellbeing and hereditary and bio-metric information). Nor do we gather any data about criminal feelings and offenses. 

In the event that you neglect to give individual information

Where we have to gather individual information by law, or under the particulars of an agreement we have with you and you neglect to give that information when mentioned, we will most likely be unable to play out the agreement we have or are attempting to go into with you (for instance, to furnish you with merchandise or administrations). For this situation, we may need to drop an item or administration you have with us however we will advise you if so at that point.

Gadget Password

We gather gadget password information from our clients with the goal that we can completely test the practically of the gadget when we direct each fix. The password isn’t utilized for some other reason and no close to home information is gotten to as a component of the usefulness test. The password is naturally erased after each fix. On the off chance that you would incline toward not to give your password this is additionally fine despite the fact that we won’t have the option to test your gadget after it has been fixed until you returned to gather it, which may cause deferrals should any fix alterations need made after the test.

How Is Your Own Information Gathered?

We utilize various techniques to gather information from and about you including through:

• Direct communications. You may give us your [Identity, Contact and Monetary Data] by filling in structures or by comparing with us by post, telephone, email or something else. This incorporates individual information you give when you:

• apply for our items or administrations;

• subscribe to our administrations;

• request showcasing to be sent to you;

• enter an opposition, advancement or review; or

• give us some criticism.

• Automated advances or collaborations. As you cooperate with our site, we may naturally gather Specialized Information about your hardware, perusing activities and examples. We gather this individual information by utilizing treats, [server logs] and other comparable advancements. It would be ideal if you see the Treats segment underneath for additional subtleties.

• Third parties or openly accessible sources. We may get individual information about you from different outsiders and open sources as set out underneath:

• Technical Information from the accompanying gatherings: examination suppliers [such as Google based outside the EU], search data gives [such as Connected In based inside the EU].

• Contact, Monetary and Exchange Information from suppliers of technical, payment and conveyance administrations, for example, Shopify and Distribute based outside the EU.

• Identity and Contact Information from freely accessible sources, for example, Organizations House and the Discretionary Register based inside the EU. 

How We Utilize Your Own Information

We will possibly utilize your own information when the law permits us to. Most usually, we will utilize your own information in the accompanying conditions:

• Where we have to play out the agreement we are going to go into or have gone into with you.

• Where it is essential for our real advantages (or those of an outsider), by which we mean in light of a legitimate concern for our business in leading and dealing with our business to empower us to give you the best help/item and the best and most secure understanding. We ensure we consider and balance any likely effect on you (both constructive and pessimistic) and your privileges before we process your own information for our authentic advantages. We don’t utilize your own information for exercises where our inclinations are abrogated by the effect on you (except if we have your assent or are generally required or allowed to by law). You can get additional data about how we survey our real advantages against any possible effect on you in regard of explicit exercises by reaching us.

• Where we have to agree to a legitimate or administrative commitment.

• Generally we don’t depend on assent as a lawful reason for preparing your own information other than according to sending outsider direct showcasing interchanges to you by means of email or instant message. You reserve the option to pull back agree to promoting whenever by:

• changing your advertising inclinations by reaching us;

• making utilization of the “withdraw” connect in messages.

Purposes for which we will utilize your own information

We have set out underneath, in a table arrangement, a portrayal of the considerable number of ways we intend to utilize your own information, and which of the legitimate bases we depend on to do as such. We have additionally recognized what our authentic advantages are the place fitting.

Note that we may process your own information for more than one legitimate ground contingent upon the particular reason for which we are utilizing your information.

If you don’t mind get in touch with us; on the off chance that you need insights concerning the particular lawful ground we are depending on to process your own information where more than one ground has been set out in the table underneath.

Reason/ActionType of dataLegal reason for handling including premise of genuine intrigue
To enlist you as another client(a) Identity
(b) Contact
Execution of an agreement with you
To process and convey your request including: (a) Oversee instalments, expenses and charges (b) Gather and recuperate cash owed to us (c) Arrangement of gadget fix administrations(a) Identity
(b) Contact
(c) Financial
(d) Transaction
(e) Marketing and Communications
(a) Execution of an agreement with you (b) Important for our real advantages (to recuperate obligations because of us)
To test the usefulness of your gadget when the fix(a) Device passcodeExecution of an agreement with you
To deal with our relationship with you or your association which will include: (a) Advising you about changes to our terms or security strategy (b) Requesting that you leave an audit or take a review(a) Identity
(b) Contact
(c) Marketing and Communications
(a) Execution of an agreement with you (b) Important to conform to a lawful commitment (c) Vital for our authentic advantages (to keep our records refreshed and to concentrate how clients utilize our items/administrations)
To empower you to participate in a prize draw, rivalry or complete a review(a) Identity
(b) Contact
(c) Usage
(d) Marketing and Communications
(a) Execution of an agreement with you (b) Important for our real advantages (to concentrate how clients utilize our items/administrations, to create them and develop our business)
To manage and ensure our business and this site (counting investigating, information examination, testing, framework upkeep, backing, announcing and facilitating of information)(a) Identity
(b) Contact
(c) Technical
(a) Fundamental for our authentic advantages (for maintaining our business, arrangement of organization and IT administrations, organize security, to forestall extortion and with regards to a business revamping or bunch rebuilding exercise) (b) Important to conform to a legitimate commitment
To convey important site substance and promotions to you and quantify or comprehend the viability of the publicizing we serve to you(a) Identity
(b) Contact
(c) Usage
(d) Marketing and Communications
(e) Technical
Essential for our authentic advantages (to concentrate how clients utilize our items/administrations, to create them, to develop our business and to educate our showcasing methodology)
To utilize information investigation to improve our site, items/administrations, showcasing, client connections and encounters(a) Technical
(b) Usage
Important for our genuine advantages (to characterize sorts of clients for our items and administrations, to keep our site refreshed and applicable, to build up our business and to educate our promoting technique)
To make proposals and suggestions to you about merchandise or administrations that might hold any importance with you(a) Identity
(b) Contact
(c) Technical
(d) Usage
Essential for our real advantages (to build up our items/benefits and develop our business)


We endeavor to furnish you with decisions in regards to certain individual information utilizes, especially around showcasing and promoting. If you don’t mind see Quitting beneath.

Limited time offers from us

We may utilize your Personality, Contact, Specialized and Utilization to shape a view on what we figure you may need or need, or what might bear some significance with you. This is the means by which we choose which items, administrations and offers might be applicable for you (we call this promoting).

You will get promoting correspondences from us on the off chance that you have mentioned data from us or bought administrations from us and, for each situation, you have not quit getting that advertising.

We will get your express pick in assent before we share your own information with any organization outside of FlashFix Ltd for advertising purposes.


You can ask us or outsiders to quit sending you showcasing messages whenever by following the quit joins on any promoting message sent to you or by reaching us whenever.

Where you quit accepting these showcasing messages, this won’t make a difference to individual information gave to us because of a help buy, guarantee enlistment, item/administration experience or different exchanges.


You can set your program to deny all or some program treats, or to caution you when sites set or access treats. On the off chance that you impair or deny treats, if it’s not too much trouble note that a few pieces of this site may get difficult to reach or not work appropriately.

Treats are alphanumeric identifiers that are moved to your PC’s hard drive through your Internet browser when you visit one of our sites to empower our frameworks to perceive your program and track when you come back to our sites. All sites that you visit will utilize treats.

The ‘Help’ menu on the menu bar of most programs will disclose to you how to keep your program from tolerating new treats, how to have the program inform you when you get another treat and how to cripple treats through and through. Nonetheless, treats permit you to exploit a portion of our sites’ generally imaginative and helpful highlights and we suggest that you leave them turned on.

FlashFix Ltd. work to ensure the security of all your data during transmission by utilizing the most forward-thinking SSL programming, which encodes data you information, and offers the most progressive security programming. Tragically, the transmission of data by means of the web isn’t totally secure. Despite the fact that we will put forth a valiant effort to ensure your own information, we can’t ensure the security of your information communicated to our site – any transmission is at your own hazard.

FlashFi Ltd. keeps up physical, electronic and procedural shields regarding the assortment, stockpiling and revelation of by and by recognizable client data.

States of utilization, notification and amendments

On the off chance that you decide to visit the FlashFix site, your visit to this site and any question or worries that you may have over protection is dependent upon this Security Notice, FlashFix’s terms and conditions, remembering impediments for harms and utilization of the laws of Britain.

On the off chance that you have any worry about our site, business or our protection strategies, please email your interests to or send it to Client assistance, FlashFix Administrative center and we will attempt to determine your issue.

We may every once in a while alter our security strategy as well as our terms and conditions. Except if expressed something else, our present security strategy applies to all data that we have gotten from you.

Change of direction

We will just utilize your own information for the reasons for which we gathered it, except if we sensibly consider that we have to utilize it for another explanation and that reason is good with the first reason. In the event that you wish to get a clarification regarding how the handling for the new reason for existing is perfect with the first reason, if it’s not too much trouble get in touch with us

On the off chance that we have to utilize your own information for a random reason, we will tell you and we will clarify the lawful premise which permits us to do as such.

If it’s not too much trouble note that we may process your own information without your insight or assent, in consistence with the above standards, where this is required or allowed by law.

Exposure of Your Own Information

We may need to impart your own information to the gatherings set out beneath for the reasons set out in the Reasons for which we will utilize your own information

table above.

Specialist organizations going about as processors based inside and outside of the EU who give IT and framework organization administrations, Coordinations Administrations and downstream handling, including the accompanying:

  • Shopify – Host the website
  • [Sage Pay] – Payment gateway
  • Amazon Web Services – Software host
  • Microsoft Office365 – Email
  • TextBurst – SMS messages
  • Royal Mail – Postal records
  • Dotdigital – Marketing emails
  • Companies House – Company records & SIC searches
  • Checkmend – Submission of source records
  • Sign Now – Electronic copies of all agreements
  • Trustpilot – Customer review service
  • FreshDesk – Customer services software
  • Xero – Accounting software
  • Woodside, Camrascan – CCTV
  • HM Revenue & Customs, regulators and other authorities acting as processors or joint controllers based in the United Kingdom who require reporting of processing activities in certain circumstances.

Outsiders to whom we may decide to sell, move, or union pieces of our business or our benefits. On the other hand, we may try to procure different organizations or converge with them. On the off chance that a change happens to our business, at that point the new proprietors may utilize your own information similarly as set out in this protection notice.

We require every single outsider to regard the security of your own information and to treat it as per the law. We don’t permit our outsider specialist organizations to utilize your own information for their own motivations and just license them to process your own information for determined purposes and as per our guidelines.

Worldwide Exchanges

We don’t move your own information outside the European Financial Territory (EEA).

Information Security

We have set up proper safety efforts to keep your own information from being coincidentally lost, utilized or got to in an unapproved way, modified or revealed. What’s more, we limit access to your own information to those workers, operators, temporary workers and other outsiders who have a business need to know. They will just process your own information on our directions and they are dependent upon an obligation of privacy.

We have set up systems to manage any speculated individual information penetrate and will tell you and any pertinent controller of a break where we are legitimately required to do as such.

Information Maintenance

How long will you utilize my own information for?

We will just hold your own information for whatever length of time that important to satisfy the reasons we gathered it for, including for the motivations behind fulfilling any lawful, bookkeeping, or revealing necessities.

To decide the fitting maintenance time frame for individual information, we think about the sum, nature, and affectability of the individual information, the likely danger of damage from unapproved use or revelation of your own information, the reasons for which we process your own information and whether we can accomplish those reasons through different methods, and the material legitimate necessities.

By law we need to keep essential data about our clients (counting Contact, Personality, Budgetary and Exchange Information) for a long time after they stop being clients for charge purposes.

In certain conditions you can request that we erase your information: see Solicitation eradication beneath for additional data.

In certain conditions we may anonymise your own information (so it can never again be related with you) for research or factual purposes in which case we may utilize this data uncertainly moving forward without any more notification to you.

Your Legitimate Rights

In specific situations, you have rights under information security laws corresponding to your own information. You reserve the option to:

• Request access to your own information (usually known as an “information subject access demand”). This empowers you to get a duplicate of the individual information we hold about you and to watch that we are legally preparing it.

• Request adjustment of the individual information that we hold about you. This empowers you to have any fragmented or mistaken information we hold about you adjusted, however we may need to check the exactness of the new information you give to us.

• Request deletion of your own information. This empowers you to request that we erase or evacuate individual information where there is no rhyme or reason for us proceeding to process it. You likewise reserve the privilege to request that we erase or evacuate your own information where you have effectively practiced your entitlement to protest preparing (see beneath), where we may have handled your data unlawfully or where we are required to delete your own information to consent to nearby law. Note, be that as it may, that we may not generally have the option to conform to your solicitation of deletion for explicit lawful reasons which will be told to you, if relevant, at the hour of your solicitation.

• Object to handling of your own information where we are depending on a real intrigue (or those of an outsider) and there is something in particular about your specific circumstance which makes you need to question preparing on this ground as you feel it impacts on your major rights and opportunities. You likewise reserve the privilege to protest where we are handling your own information for direct advertising purposes. Now and again, we may exhibit that we have convincing real grounds to process your data which supersede your privileges and opportunities.

• Solicitation limitation of preparing of your own information. This empowers you to solicit us to suspend the handling from your own information in the accompanying situations: (an) in the event that you need us to set up the information’s precision; (b) where our utilization of the information is unlawful however you don’t need us to delete it; (c) where you need us to hold the information regardless of whether we no longer require it as you need it to build up, practice or shield lawful cases; or (d) you have questioned our utilization of your information yet we have to confirm whether we have superseding genuine grounds to utilize it.

• Solicitation the exchange of your own information to you or to an outsider. We will give to you, or an outsider you have picked, your own information in an organized, normally utilized, machine-clear arrangement. Note that this privilege just applies to mechanized data which you at first gave agree to us to utilize or where we utilized the data to play out an agreement with you.

• Pull back assent whenever where we are depending on agree to process your own information. Nonetheless, this won’t influence the legitimateness of any preparing completed before you pull back your assent. On the off chance that you pull back your assent, we will be unable to give certain items or administrations to you. We will exhort you if so at the time you pull back your assent.

On the off chance that you wish to practice any of the rights set out above, if you don’t mind get in touch with us.

No charge typically required

You won’t need to pay a charge to get to your own information (or to practice any of different rights). Notwithstanding, we may charge a sensible expense if your solicitation is obviously unwarranted, tedious or inordinate. On the other hand, we may decline to consent to your solicitation in these conditions.

What we may require from you

We may need to demand explicit data from you to assist us with affirming your character and guarantee your entitlement to get to your own information (or to practice any of your different rights). This is a safety effort to guarantee that individual information isn’t revealed to any individual who has no option to get it. We may likewise get in touch with you to approach you for additional data corresponding to your solicitation to accelerate our reaction.

Time breaking point to react

We attempt to react to every genuine solicitation inside one month. Sometimes it might take us longer than a month if your solicitation is especially intricate or you have made various solicitations. For this situation, we will advise you and keep you refreshed.